Today something changed

Today I allowed my heart to be first and turned my energy away from fear. Fear tried to get me to stay home instead of following heart guidance to go to Sedona. Exhausted and not sure how I would make it, I felt the deep call of my spirit to be cleansed by the waters of Oak Creek.

Fear lost.

Today I soaked in sacred waters and let them wash away my old self. I felt the old stories, traumas, pains, fears being released from my being and taken down stream.

Today I rooted into the Earth and reconnected to the Divine Mother, and received nourishment of my body, mind, heart, and soul. Beautiful lights and sensations traveling through my body as a new awakening was occurring.

Today I got clear. Very. I have not felt this clear since mid-January.

Today a red dragonfly landed on my foot and leg, hanging out with me for about an hour. (Their medicine represents change, transformation, joy) Other dragonflies continued to circle around. They have been visiting me a lot the past 2 months. I’ll be working with their medicine more.

Today I was blessed by the presence and guidance of a very gifted healer through a ceremony in the water. She is a sister, a friend, a shaman, a being of light bringing so much beauty to this world.

Today I walked in a medicine wheel and prayed for compassion for all beings everywhere. I asked for forgiveness and prayed for strength, courage, and patience.

Today I laughed, belly laughs with my children and husband. I felt the illumination of laughter in my heart.

Today I giggled at my puppy trying to take down my 95lb older dog.

Today I remembered my light and experienced it in a new way.

Today something changed.

Today I felt a new me birthing inside; not defined by the events of my past or my body’s remembrance of them.

Today I chose love. Today I chose joy. Today I chose peace. Today I chose my light.

Today. Right now. In this moment.

I feel content.

Much love,

Kate ????

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