Ask and You Shall Receive…

…just perhaps not in the way you imagined.

I prayed to be strong; I remembered my trauma.

I prayed to be patient; I walked the road to feeling whole.

I prayed for love; I faced my shame.

I prayed for peace; I embraced my anxiety.

I prayed for joy; I swam in the deepest sadness.

I prayed to be rid of fear; I realized fear was my inner child needing love.

I prayed for healing; I released my victim mentality.

I prayed for security; I left everything that was unstable.

I prayed for connection; I had to disconnect.

I prayed to be saved; I met Jesus.

I prayed for my life; I learned to love myself.

I prayed for confidence; I was given massive trials.

I prayed for abundance; I learned gratitude.

I prayed to see the light; I remembered I am the light.

Our greatest victories are birthed from our greatest trials. Sometimes we must walk in blind faith to remember we are never alone, and God’s plan is always bigger than what our humanness can imagine or comprehend.

I pray for you to remember you are the light; however you need life to show up to help you do so, may it be through grace and ease.
Much love,

Kate ????

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