Psychology of the Chakras

an 8-week Journey to Sacred Embodiment

The Chakra system has been used for centuries as a map based on energy medicine for understanding physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. 

This offering is for everyone, whether you know nothing about chakras or if you have been studying them for some time. 

The psychology of the chakras helps us gain a deeper understanding as to why we present to the world the way that we do. Our behaviors, thought-patterns, emotional tendencies, addictions, beliefs, dis-ease, harmonious peace – all of this and more can be explained based on our past and chakra understanding. 

It’s amazing the shifts that occur within you from understanding the psychological development with energetic connection. 

By no means is this course meant to be used as a diagnosis tool of any kind. It does not replace medical help nor professional support. When we gain awareness and understanding, we can make more informed choices and perhaps shift some patterns that are causing suffering in our lives. 

The first 50 minutes will be a teaching on one chakra, followed by a yoga therapy practice to embody the teachings. There will be a 10 min bio/transition to your mat break.

The 8th week will be an integrative week with a longer yoga therapy practice to bring it all together.

This offering will be held via zoom. If you cannot make the live, you can watch the replays, save them, and have them as library of resource for your listening back and practicing pleasure. 

You will need:

  • a yoga mat
  • 2 yoga blocks
  • a yoga strap/extender
  • 3 blankets
  • one larger firm pillow or a yoga bolster
  • a notebook and pen (if you like to take notes)

There will not be any handouts or power point slides. The yoga therapy practices will be made accessible for all levels. 

16 noncontact Yoga Alliance CEU hours are available. fir


Feb 2-March 29, 2024
9am-11am MST
No class March 15th

via Zoom (Replays will be available)

Register for Psychology of the Chakras