The Shipp Method™ Resilience Support Group

You were created for a life filled with joy and love! Is it time to claim it?
I know what it’s like to wake up each daily with so much anxiety over what the day would bring, scared of what I couldn’t even name and filled with shame.
I know what it’s like to have a catastrophic thinking mind that was trying to protect me from the pain of my past. 
I know what’s it’s like to try to fall asleep at night with a racing mind and fearful heart. 
I know what it’s like to be so afraid of love that I pushed it away in the moments when so much goodness was right in front of me. 
I also know what it’s like to wake up excited for the day and ready to walk in this world as a light of Love. 
I also know what it’s like to fall asleep easily at night, deeply resting into sweet peace. 
I also know the beauty of feeling so loved and adored that my eyes leak in tears. 
I also know the joy of the ordinary moments and the power to choose to create them. 
I also know the peace beyond understanding that is spoken of in so many scriptural teachings. 
I’ve learned and know the Truth of who I am, and would love to help support you in discovering the goodness life has for you, no matter what you’ve been through in your past. 

There is hope. Always.

The Shipp Method™: Resilience Support Group is for those seeking:

  • to be guided through practices that foster a healthy and safe relationship with your body
  • to understand your nervous system and why you react or respond how you do to stressful situations
  • to experience gentle techniques for compassionate processing of past pain and trauma
  • to learn ways to find regulation and expand emotional intelligence
  • to develop resilience and bounce back faster from life stresses and triggers with more ease
  • to be supported by safe community with a loving, grounded connection  
This group is for those ready to embrace empowerment, and experience the freedom it brings into daily life. 
The offerings each week will pull from various holistic therapies including: yoga therapy, breath therapy, energy medicine, and spiritual coaching, all with a Christ-Centered lens. 
This offering runs on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month from 6pm-8pm MST beginning March 10th via Zoom. 
The dates of this first 3 month group are:
March 10th & 24th
April 14th & 28th 
May 12th & 26th 
Cost: $347.00
*This group is not meant to replace or be medical treatment, professional therapy, or crisis treatment. 

Signup Today!